Anogia village

Distance 36 km. from Heraklion

A prominent village set on the northern slopes of Psiloritis Mountain at an altitude of 750 meters above sea level positioned in a way that can supervise a significant part of two provinces. The name Ano-gia: Ano-gi derives from its situation that is set high up in the mountains. Ano means up, Gi means land, (a settlement set up high up in the mountains). Anogia goes back to the first Byzantine period. A center of revolution and revolt during the Ottoman period. The village was burned to the ground in 1822 and in 1867 by the Ottomans. It was burned again on August 1944 (WWII) as retaliation for the kidnapping of the Nazi General Kreupe (Chief of Es- Es) from the resistance.

One of the most interesting villages in Crete. The locals vary from other Cretans in their traditions, customs, social life, folk art and the local dialect.


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Only 15km east of Hora Sfakion is located the Venetian Fortress of Frangokastello


Agarathos Monastery

According to written documentation, the Monastery was established in the 15th c. AD and is considered to be one of the oldest in Crete.


Heraklion Archeological Museum

Αrtifacts from Neolithic and Minoan excavations of Crete are displayed in 14 galleries, as well as the collection of Hellenistic and Roman sculptures in two galleries. On the first floor, are the marvelous Minoan Frescoes displayed in a big gallery, and the exhibits of the Historical Period, displayed in 8 galleries.



Tilisos village is 13 km away from Heraklion, en route to Anoyia, on an elevation of c. 200m. It is just outside of the village, that three big Minoan houses (villas) where discovered.


The Archaeological Museum in Chania

Finds from Chania town along with various archaeological sites in Chania prefecture are exhibited in chronological order in the archaeological collection of Chania prefecture which is hosted in an impressive building of the Venetian era.

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